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Welcome To APES Donor Community

We are a small non-profit animal shelter, rescue and adoption centre, helping owners and their pets.

The donor community is here to help raise funds for the animals in our care, but with fun ways to do it. 

  • User Profiles
  • Donor Plans
  • Sponsorships
  • Shelter Animal Profile Pages
  • Wallet & Points
  • Pages
  • Groups
  • Events
  • Watch
  • Blogs
  • Funding
  • Forums
  • And Much More!

We hope you enjoy the relaunched donor community. Remember to share with others to help with our cause. 

If you are not registered, register to day with your email, Google, Facebook or Twitter. 

Sponsor A Animal

Would you like to sponsor an animal from APES? 

You now can visit any of our animal pages here. Once on their page please visit click subscribe to start sponsoring. 

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Exotics @ Large